Regulate your autonomic nervous system and biological clock with quality sleep! 3 types of yoga for sound sleep
Let's try yoga for a good night's sleep. We have carefully selected three easy yoga poses that you can do before going to bed, so please try them out today.
1. While lying on your back, hold your right knee with both hands. Relax your outstretched left leg.
2. Extend your right arm out to the side, bend your right knee to the left, and turn your face to the right.
3. Stretch your extended right arm, shoulder, and chest area and hold this position for a few breaths.
4. Repeat the same procedure on the other side.
If the shoulder you are stretching out to the side lifts off the floor, the twist will be shallow and the effect will be halved. Make sure you keep your body firmly on the floor as you twist.
1. Lie on your back with a large cushion, pillow, or blanket under your back and head.
2. Relax your shoulders and keep your chin slightly tucked in.
3. Place the soles of your feet together and open your knees to the left and right (outside).
4. Hold this position for a few minutes.
Lie on your back and relax your whole body.
Keeping your feet together, move them slightly to the left and place your right foot on top of your left.
Stretch both arms straight above your head and gently grasp your right wrist with your left hand. Move both arms to the left and feel a stretch in your right side.
Stay in this position for a few minutes, then repeat on the other side.
To get a good night's sleep, it is effective to try "Sleep Yoga," which releases fatigue while taking deep breaths. All three yoga poses introduced in this article can be tried in bed. Try them out now and have the best sleep tonight!
Crocodile pose

Crocodile pose
The "crocodile pose" can be used to target the stomach, hips, and buttocks. It stretches the whole body, so you can expect to improve your pelvic distortion and posture, and have a relaxing effect. Another great thing about this pose is that you can do it lying down on your bed before going to sleep.■ Try posing for yourself
Difficulty: Normal1. While lying on your back, hold your right knee with both hands. Relax your outstretched left leg.
2. Extend your right arm out to the side, bend your right knee to the left, and turn your face to the right.
3. Stretch your extended right arm, shoulder, and chest area and hold this position for a few breaths.
4. Repeat the same procedure on the other side.
■Key points for the crocodile pose
Focus on abdominal breathing and relax your whole body.If the shoulder you are stretching out to the side lifts off the floor, the twist will be shallow and the effect will be halved. Make sure you keep your body firmly on the floor as you twist.
Supine joint pose

Supine joint pose
This pose is also called Supta Bhatta Konasana. You do this pose by resting your body on a cushion or pillow on your back and taking a deep breath. Release the fatigue of your whole body while loosening your hip joints.■ Try posing for yourself
Difficulty: Easy1. Lie on your back with a large cushion, pillow, or blanket under your back and head.
2. Relax your shoulders and keep your chin slightly tucked in.
3. Place the soles of your feet together and open your knees to the left and right (outside).
4. Hold this position for a few minutes.
■ Key points for lying on your back with your feet together
When you place the soles of your feet together, your heels should be in a comfortable position where you do not feel any pain.Banana pose
This pose gently twists half of your body like a banana. Take a few minutes to stretch your whole body. Feeling a comfortable stretch will release your physical and mental fatigue, helping you sleep better.■ Try posing for yourself
Difficulty: EasyLie on your back and relax your whole body.
Keeping your feet together, move them slightly to the left and place your right foot on top of your left.
Stretch both arms straight above your head and gently grasp your right wrist with your left hand. Move both arms to the left and feel a stretch in your right side.
Stay in this position for a few minutes, then repeat on the other side.
■Key points for the banana pose
When bending your body, do so as much as you can without straining yourself. Make it a habit to do this every night and gradually increase your body's flexibility.To get a good night's sleep, it is effective to try "Sleep Yoga," which releases fatigue while taking deep breaths. All three yoga poses introduced in this article can be tried in bed. Try them out now and have the best sleep tonight!