5 minutes of yoga in the morning!
A must-see for beginners to morning yoga! Why not try incorporating 5 minutes into your morning routine and become more beautiful? Beautiful women take care of their mind and body every day. Get beautiful by doing it every day!
We will introduce you to some stretches and poses for you to try.
Morning yoga poses: Stretching to loosen the lower back

Stretching to loosen up your lower back
Sit cross-legged and exhale while moving your body forward. After five breaths, return to the starting position. Switch legs and do the same.
Morning Yoga Poses: Shoulder and Chest Stretch

Shoulder and chest stretch
While still sitting cross-legged, clasp your arms behind your back and raise them towards the ceiling. Lift your chest diagonally upwards and repeat for 5 breaths.
Morning Yoga Poses: Twisting Poses

Twisting Pose
Place your right foot on the outside of your left knee, pull your right knee in with your left hand, and twist your torso while exhaling. Repeat the same process. Switch legs and twist to the left in the same way.
Morning Yoga Poses: Cat Pose 1

Cat pose 1
Get on all fours and <as you exhale> arch your back so that your spine is lengthened.
Morning Yoga Poses: Cat Pose 2

Cat pose 2
<As you inhale> Lift your forehead and buttocks upward. Repeat cat poses 1 and 2 alternately five times each.
Morning Yoga Poses: Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog Pose
From a kneeling position, lift your hips and knees off the ground, then, exhaling, lower your heels to the mat and straighten your knees as much as you can. After repeating this, release your knees and walk toward your hands.
Morning yoga poses: Stretch your lower body with forward bending poses

Stretch your lower body with forward bending poses
From Downward Facing Dog, relax your knees and walk forward into a forward bend, straightening your knees as far as you can to stretch your lower body.
Morning yoga pose: stretch your sides and back with your arms raised high in the air

Stretch your arms up into the air and stretch your sides and back.
<As you inhale> Spread your arms out and raise them high into the air, then join your hands together above your head, stretching your back and sides.
Morning yoga poses: Calm breathing brings beauty

Breathe calmly and bring in beauty
<As you exhale> Lower your arms and place them together in front of your chest. Take a deep breath while imagining the person you want to become.