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Yoga studio for pregnant and postpartum women - <LIYOGA Official Online Store>
on 0 comments1-YOGA SPACE Aika: A pregnancy-focused yoga studio offering pregnancy and postpartum yoga classes. Courses include breathing exercises, pregnancy yoga, and postpartum repair to relieve physical discomfort during pregnancy, promote fetal development, and effectively repair the body of women after giving birth. 2-Virgin Active: This is a large chain of health clubs with multiple locations in Japan. The health clubs offer yoga classes for pregnant... -
Taboos in Yoga -- <LIYOGA Official Online Store>
on 0 commentsYoga is a very safe form of exercise, but there are a few taboos to be aware of. Common yoga no-no's include: 1- Serious physical illness or injury: If you suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure or any other physical illness, or if you have serious fractures, sprains or other injuries, you should avoid practicing certain yoga poses or choose to practice them... -
Thoughts on Yoga -- <LIYOGA Official Online Store>
on 0 comments1. Pay attention to your breath: Yoga focuses on controlling your body through your breath, relaxing your mind, and improving your body's flexibility and strength balance. Focusing on your breath strengthens the connection between a healthy body and mind. 2. Quiet the mind: Yogic meditation helps us learn to control ourselves, improve self-awareness and inner discipline, and develop concentration and patience. 3. Adjust breathing...